The universal call to love our neighbor as ourselves includes everyone, especially those most in need of God’s love. The JPIC National Office helps to direct, coordinate and provide support for the efforts across the US, with concentrated focus on:
- Women, children and elderly
- Migrants and refugees
- Work against human trafficking
- Support of family life
The work of the JPIC National Office is done through an interlocking framework of Advocacy, Education and Direct Service. This structure provides a way to empower women and children and all people who are living on the margins of society. Through these three areas, systemic change can impact the quality of everyday life for people living on the margins.
Advocacy supports the advocacy efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services and in collaboration with other major Catholic organizations.

Education is a cornerstone of the SND USA mission. The JPIC National Office provides educational resources and increased awareness on justice and peace for our SND Stakeholders: Sisters, associates, collaborators, colleagues, young adults, and those working in sponsored ministries.
Direct Service is a way to provide an array of volunteer, immersion, and other activities that engage SND sisters, associates, and partners in serving people on the margins so that we have a deeper, clearer and more thorough understanding of what impacts our vulnerable populations. Direct Service is an effective way to build relationships with people and create networks of SND stakeholders. Volunteer and immersion experiences are held at local, national and international sites.
Rapid Responses
Whenever warranted, SND USA will respond with a Rapid Response to particular justice issues as they arise. Short, written responses to a recent unjust act are sent to leaders in Congress and to those associated with power and influence regarding the issue. Rapid Responses always reflect the Gospel values of Christ.
Corporate Stances
SND USA has also shared its mission through taking official Corporate Stances, our community’s way to show publicly the level of commitment to a particular justice issue. The sisters work together on Corporate Stance messaging by identifying goals and concrete actions which are then implemented throughout their ministries with employees and sponsored institutions at the individual, community, and national levels to make a broader and more effective impact within society.
To date, the sisters have implemented four Corporate Stances:
Water for Life in September 2005, responding to protecting all natural water supplies entrusted to us;
Immigration Reform, responding to the increased pressure faced by immigrants and migrant workers in January 2008;
Opposing Human Trafficking in July 2008; and
Corporate Stance Against Racism in February 2021, in response to increased incidents of discrimination toward people of color in 2020.