JPIC Notes: August 2022
This month’s JPIC Notes presents: A Convocation in NE Ohio by several area congregations of sisters, information on the Season of Creation, and the implementation
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This month’s JPIC Notes presents: A Convocation in NE Ohio by several area congregations of sisters, information on the Season of Creation, and the implementation
This month’s JPIC Notes presents: World Refugee Day, Peace amid Gun Violence, and implementing the Corporate Stance Against Racism.
Blogs Admitting blindness: seeing my blind spots and trying to do better Getting To We: Conversations for the World Yet to Be Virtual Retreat/Conferences Re-Release
“Conversations that Matter: Racism: The Perduring Assault Against Human Life and Dignity” by Gloria Purvis for the Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity.
Archdiocese of Los Angeles Diocese of Cleveland African American Ministry Resources Diocese of Cleveland 3 part Racism Conversation– Part 1 – Part 2 – Part
Ta-Nehisi Coates, “The Case for Reparations,” June 2014 Kriston McIntosh, Emily Ross, Ryan Nunn, and Jay Shanbaugh, “Examining the Black White Wealth Gap,” February 27,
US Conference of Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letters and DocumentsThese documents and more resources are available at the USCCB website. 25th Anniversary: U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter
Genesis 1:26-27Then God said: Let us make- human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,